KNOWN BUGS / CHANGE LOG WISH LIST last updated 02-Oct-2002

Things to complete / fix for version 1.0

• The "About BOG" dialog has the wrong e-mail contact. Please use

• the GemRay raytraces appear upside-down - correct this (DONE)

• Complete implementation of Merit Function Mapper (DONE)

• Rename to Better Optimizer for GemRay (DONE)

• Remove "Hammer" optimization option - replaced by MF Mapper (DONE)

• add "file" check box to PlayPen, so that you don't have to load the file and set angles beforehand.

• clean up "tab" order to navigate from one box to next in dialogs (DONE)

• finish implementing Hammer Optimization (postponed)

• implement "Tool Tips" to pop up hints when paused at a control or button

• tidy up and complete documentation (DONE)

• select .GEM file / material / colour from within PlayPen (would allow comparison of different files) - DONE

• fix Optimization Progress window to wrap properly after 7 iterations

• Batch file option for speed on some systems - DONE

• Time-out for when Gemray crashes (DONE).


Wish List for future versions

• implementation of GemRayX (with head shadow)

• arbitrary "shift" in MF Mapper i.e. not just to optimized angles - any (implemented in v. 1.01)

• automatic conversion of .ASC files (trivial - as long as GEMCVT is present)

• use GemRay vector file information (format unknown)


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Documentation maintained by Tom Herbst. Last modified 02-Oct-2002