BOG optimizes a gem by maximizing a Merit Function. The Merit Function (or MF) is a numerical value assigned to the quality of a gemstone design, based on a set of user-specified criteria. BOG currently supports five different measures (or "Targets") of gem merit:
Gem ISO brightness (called ISO below) Quick Jump to ISO Illumination response (called Ill below) Quick Jump to Ill Tilt performance (called Tilt below) Quick Jump to Tilt Sparkle or "action" (called Sparkle below) Quick Jump to Sparkle Fire or dispersion (called Fire below) Quick Jump to Fire
The overall merit function is the mathematical sum of the merit functions of the individual targets, each multiplied by a weighting factor:
MF = (ISO_MF * ISO_Weight) + (Ill_MF * Ill_Weight) + (Tilt_MF * Tilt_Weight) + ...
BOG varies the pavillion and crown angles and evaluates the corresponding MF. Using a peak-finding algorithm (described here), the program zeroes in on the combination of angles which produces the highest Merit Function.
You set the balance between the various targets using the General panel of the Specify Optimization Targets window. This window appears when you click on the Modify Targets button in BOG's main window.
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Documentation maintained by Tom Herbst. Last modified 16-Aug-2005